Thursday, June 19, 2014

General Assembly 221 in Detroit has been a truly interesting and both uplifting and at some times difficult experience. A few quick hits or things I've seen and experienced this week:

A homeless man stopped me and asked for money, after I told him I had no cash which at the time was true he then asked if I was with the Pastors conference thing, I said yes. He then asked me to pray for him. Of all the things he could of asked, he asked for prayer. How could I not say yes? So we prayed, and it was one of the most moving moments of this week. I was reminded that prayer is a sustaining practice.

Today while walking to the plenary session I saw a man on his knees on the sidewalk, his head was bowed and he was on his prayer rug, praying with the conviction of faith to do it anywhere. How much could we learn from that conviction? Is our faith that present in our lives?

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